年轻不止一种标签 不单调的青春才有范儿


来源:http://www.lrycy.com/ 日期:2019-01-15 发布人:admin

  Businessmen believe that there are not only exquisite fish selection, but also exquisite fish eating. There are many places on the fish that are easy to be ignored. Don't throw these five treasures away! uuuuuuuuuu
  Before eating fish, scaling, opening and other steps are indispensable. This process seems simple, but there is a lot of knowledge hidden. Some people may throw away a lot of treasures from fish.
  Fish scale is the exoskeleton of fish, rich in collagen, calcium, phosphorus, lecithin and other nutrients, but also contains the dietary fiber of chitin.
  Collagen can be converted into soluble gelatin at 70 ~90 ~C. The common way to eat it is to make fish scale jelly.
  具体方法是:将鱼鳞刮下,洗净。下入放满水的锅中,加点醋,使水温保 持在70℃~90℃的将沸未沸状态,小火慢炖。等鱼鳞慢慢融化,汤汁黏稠之后,关火,将其晾凉,置于冰箱冷藏成冻。食用时,将鱼鳞冻拌入调料即可。 鱼骨
  The specific method is to scrape the scales off and wash them. Put it into a pot full of water, add vinegar, keep the water temperature at 70 ~90 ~C and simmer slowly over low heat. After the fish scales melt slowly and the soup is thick, turn off the fire and cool it, then freeze it in the refrigerator. When eating, fish scales are frozen and mixed with seasonings. Fishbone
  Fish bones are also known as fish bones, which are rich in calcium and other trace elements. After softening, their nutritional components are more easily absorbed by the human body.
  Very small bony fish should be chewed hard. After entering the stomach, gastric acid will soften part of their bones and promote the dissolution of calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients. The big fish bone sucks its bone marrow, the white line in the fish spine.
  此外,鱼骨还可 以加醋熬汤,小火焖煮(2~4小时)。需要注意的是,用白水煮汤,鱼刺很难变软,多加点食醋焖炖,可利用醋酸的作用促进鱼刺软化。
  In addition, fish bones can also be boiled with vinegar and boiled in small heat (2-4 hours). It should be noted that it is difficult to soften the fish spine when boiling the soup in white water. Stew it with more vinegar. Acetic acid can be used to promote the softening of the fish spine.
  Air bladder
  In ancient times, it was called "Sea Ginseng", which is as famous as bird's nest and shark's fin. Fish bladder contains bio-macromolecule collagen protein, which can improve the nutritional status of tissues, promote growth and development, and delay skin aging. It is an ideal high-protein and low-fat food. The swim bladder wall of marine fish is thicker, and it is usually made into dried products, called fish belly.
  鱼肚制成的菜肴口感滑润、细腻,有浓厚感。鱼 鳔里含有丰富的胶原蛋白和欧米伽3不饱和脂肪酸,可能对血脂控制有益。常见的做法是:将鱼鳔用清水洗净,和鱼一起清炖或红烧。
  The dishes made from fish belly are smooth, delicate and have a strong sense of taste. Fish bladder is rich in collagen and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which may be beneficial to lipid control. Common practice is to wash the swim bladder with clean water and stew or braise with the fish.
  Fish liver
  Fish liver is the place where fish store many kinds of nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin D and iron, but the content of cholesterol and purine is also high, which is not suitable for gout patients.
  Fish liver is connected with fish gall. Don't break the fish gall when cleaning the fish liver. Liver has the function of detoxification, especially easy to accumulate toxins. Before eating, it should be determined that fish are not polluted by the environment.
  Fish intestine
  Fish sausage has low fat content and no less protein content than fish. However, the sausage of large fish has edible value. Before eating, the dirty things inside should be removed.
  Because the food eaten by fish is digested through the intestine, it is a heavily contaminated organ in the body of fish. If you are not reassured about the aquaculture environment, you are not advised to eat it.
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