年轻不止一种标签 不单调的青春才有范儿


来源:http://www.lrycy.com/ 日期:2019-01-21 发布人:admin

  石锅鱼的石锅选用天然石材,整块打磨而成锅的形状,两侧有耳,比脸盆还要大,浑圆厚实,足足有20斤重。 每一张饭桌中间特意设置一个空槽,用来放置石锅,石锅鱼就用空槽里的煤气灶加热。 上菜前,石锅须在火上烧热,这个时间可以几十分钟到几个小时。然后再放入饭桌的煤气灶上,石锅的好处,在于是用天然含有对人体有益的有机矿石雕刻而成,经过煮制。会产生对人体有益的钙、锌等矿物质。石锅鱼的作料有:姜、蒜、花椒、辣椒、豆瓣酱等等。这些作料分别加工,然后混合,一起放入热好的石锅后,加入高汤,高汤 一般采用牛骨熬制,小火慢熬几个小时,即成高汤。
  The stone pot of stone pot fish is made of natural stone. The shape of the pot is polished and polished. It has ears on both sides. It's bigger than the basin. It's round and thick. It weighs 20 kilograms. An empty trough is specially set in the middle of each table to place the stone pot. The fish in the stone pot is heated by the gas stove in the empty trough. Before serving, the stoneware should be heated on the fire, which can last from tens of minutes to hours. Then put it on the gas stove of the dining table. The advantage of the stone pot is that it is carved with organic minerals which are naturally beneficial to the human body and cooked. It can produce minerals such as calcium and zinc which are beneficial to human body. The ingredients of stone pot fish are: ginger, garlic, pepper, pepper, bean paste and so on. These ingredients are first processed separately, then mixed together, put into a hot stone pot, and then add the soup. The soup is usually boiled with beef bones, which is slowly boiled for several hours in a small fire, that is, the soup.
  The flavor of stone pot fish is absolutely in its soup. The main ingredient of stone pot fish is grass carp, which is very exquisite. Fish slice knife method of stone pot fish is very demanding, the knife worker, the cut fish slice looks long and thick, the weight is very much. Fish fillets must be drained with oil before they are put into the pan. At this time, the fillets are rolled up. If the selected fish is not fresh, then the fillets are straight. Wait for the broth in the stone pot to be heated until it rolls over and put in the fish fillets. The steaming stone pot slowly cooked the fish fillets, slowly aromatic throughout the restaurant.
  店老板说,如果有四个石锅同时上桌,那么整条马路都会闻到石锅鱼的香气。根据客人的不同喜好,店家还提供很多配菜,如黄豆芽、芽白、羊肉、萝卜、藕片等等。客人可以在吃完草鱼后加入配菜,也可以边吃草鱼边加入配菜。味道都不会受影响。草鱼片非常鲜嫩,用筷子夹入嘴边,只要筷子轻轻一抖,鱼肉脱离鱼刺滑入嘴里,浓郁的香辣交织着鱼肉的细甜,口感特别过瘾,入口的香味经久不散。 听同桌的朋友说,鱼汤喝了,尝一口,滑嫩爽口,汤确实不同于别的川菜如水煮活鱼的汤,吃完草鱼后,这汤还保持刚上桌的味道--鲜嫩。
  The shopkeeper said that if four stone pots were served at the same time, the whole street would smell the aroma of stone pot fish. According to the different preferences of customers, the shop also provides many side dishes, such as soybean sprouts, sprouts, mutton, radish, lotus root slices and so on. Guests can add side dishes after eating grass carp, or side dishes while eating grass carp. No taste will be affected. Grass carp fillet is very delicate, with chopsticks clipped into the mouth, as long as the chopsticks gently shake, the fish slipped into the mouth from the fish spine, rich spicy intertwined with the delicate sweet of fish, the taste is particularly addictive, the taste of the entrance lasts for a long time. Listen to friends at the table, fish soup is best to drink, taste a mouthful, smooth and refreshing, soup is really different from other Sichuan dishes such as water boiled fish soup, after eating grass carp, the soup still maintains the taste of fresh and tender.
  Material selection of stone pot fish: When a fragrant, fresh and spicy stone pot fish is eaten, a few dishes are served and rinsed. The taste is both delicious and refreshing, light and easy to taste. In rinsing, the best dishes to eat are hand-pulled noodles, hand-pulled noodles on the spot, pulled noodles in front of us personally, then put them in stone pot, cook slowly, fish soup, and vegetables. You can't imagine that.
  The above content is organized and published by the two-mermaid restaurant. More related content can be consulted by clicking on our official website: http://www.lrycy.com/
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