年轻不止一种标签 不单调的青春才有范儿


来源:http://www.lrycy.com/ 日期:2019-05-23 发布人:admin

  常见的深海鱼有:带鱼、黄花鱼、鳕鱼、沙丁鱼、鲨鱼、鲸鱼、三文鱼、金枪鱼、海鲈、秋刀鱼、海鳗、鲅鱼、黄花鱼、鲳鱼、鲮鱼、凤尾鱼、马面鱼等等。我们常吃的海鱼有:深海鱼、近海鱼、冷水鱼如挪威的鲑鱼就是冷深海域的鱼。深海污染少,深海鱼大多自然生长,冷水鱼生长时期长,因而更具有营养价值。一、深海鱼对人体好处多多深海鱼,通常指在海平面下600米—2700米的鱼类,它们肉质雪白、细腻、口感嫩爽、纯粹可口,是无污染的低脂肪高蛋白绿色食品,营养成分和含量比普通的鱼类更齐全、更丰厚。 ?????科学家发现,深海鱼对人体的好处表现在各个方面,例如除皱养颜;含有的活性离子钙极易被人体吸收;含有大量的维生素E、维生素C及胡萝卜素,能够抑止自在基(自在基会毁坏根本的基因物质、细胞壁,招致癌症和心脏病)的活性,从而加强人体免疫力,防衰老、保青春。吃鱼类以深海鱼为好,由于深海鱼的营养价值很高,里面的DHA和EPA等营养成分都是很高的,可以协助宝宝的脑力和视力的发育,而且蛋白质和钙质的含量也很高,对人体十分有益。
  Common deep-sea fish are hairtail, yellow croaker, COD, sardines, sharks, whale, salmon, tuna, sea bass, saury, eel, Spanish mackerel, yellow croaker, Pomfret, mud carp, anchovies, mackerel and so on. We often eat deep-sea fish, offshore fish, cold-water fish such as Norwegian salmon is cold-water fish. Deep-sea pollution is less, deep-sea fish mostly grow naturally, cold-water fish grow for a long time, so it has more nutritional value. 1. Deep-sea fish are good for human body. They usually refer to the fish of 600-2700 meters below sea level. Their flesh is white, delicate, tender and delicious. They are pollution-free, low-fat and high-protein green food. Their nutrients and contents are more complete and abundant than ordinary fish. Scientists have found that the benefits of deep-sea fish to the human body are manifested in various aspects, such as wrinkle-removing and facial-nourishing; the active ion calcium is easily absorbed by the human body; it contains a large amount of vitamin E, vitamin C and carotene, which can inhibit the activity of self-reliance (which can destroy fundamental genetic materials, cell walls, cause cancer and heart disease), thereby strengthening the human immunity and prevention. Aging and youth. Deep-sea fish is the best food. Because of its high nutritional value, the nutrients DHA and EPA in deep-sea fish are very high, which can help the development of baby's brain and vision, and the content of protein and calcium is also high, which is very beneficial to the human body.
  2. The best choice of iron supplementation for children is that deep-sea fish are rich in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). DHA is known as "brain gold". It has intelligent factors to activate brain cells, which make it easier for nerve conducting substances in the brain to convey the correct information, promote, harmonize and nerve circuit conduction, so as to maintain the normal operation of brain cells. It not only plays a very important role in children's brain development, but also improves the retinal reflex ability, and strengthens and improves vision. Many children need iron supplement, usually say spinach iron supplement, but let children eat spinach iron supplement, can only eat more iron deficiency, because the oxalic acid in spinach, tannic acid will inhibit the absorption of iron, in addition to iron supplements and pig liver, which contains rich iron, but eat animal liver is easy to accumulate toxins, it is not suitable for long-term consumption. Therefore, the best choice of iron supplementation for children is deep-sea fish, followed by iron in meat and eggs, which is more easily absorbed and applied.
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